Montag, 22. November 2010

4th Meeting in Vienna

Output of our 4th meeting in Vienna, 16-18 October 2010

Participants: Ulrich Diermann, Institut equalita e.V. (Köln); Bettina Kocher, Ralf Classen, Büro für Kultur und Medienprojekte/KinderKulturKarawane (Hamburg); Erika Köchl, VIDC (Wien); Anita Ramsak, Ekvilib Institute (Ljubljana); Alena Krempaska, People against Racism (Bratislava); Miglena Molhova and Zornitsa Staneva, Foundation for Development of the Cultural and Business Potential of Civil Society (Sofia).

Friday, 16.10.2010

After their arrival to Vienna the partners attend a performance and discussion of the YES Theater from Palestine in DSCHUNGEL WIEN Theater in MuseumsQuartier, Museumsplatz.

Saturday, 17.10.2010

The partners discuss the idea of peer learning

- What can the peer learning approach offer to the educational system.

- Target group – peer learning for managers/leaders/directors of youth groups.

- General framework for distributing knowledge to other peer learners.

- Intercultural competences and social competences of young adult learners.

- The cultural approach being a key for peer learning.

The partners continue with evaluation of the experiences of the KinderKulturKarawane groups.

At 11.00 arrives Grupo YAURI from Bolivia for an evaluation workshop with the partners.

Bettina makes a presentation on the Grundtvig Partnership project. She explains what peer learning is and makes comparisons between the work of the partners and what the youths from the group are doing when they perform before their peers. She expresses the partners need to understand more about the experiences of YAURI in the workshops and the performances.

The partners present themselves – organization, activities, country, etc.

The group members also introduce themselves.

The YAURI group presents some background information on the project. 20 years ago several street children who started with a theatre project. Now a cultural centre for young people is set up. This is an initiative of the youths, the youth leaders. Young people directing their efforts to other young people (= peer learning). They work with theatre, music, dance, circus, plastic arts. The centre is settled in a marginalized neighbourhood and the members of YAURI want to bring all their talents to the youths/kids in this neighbourhood. They want to explore the body in order to empower their peers to become able to express themselves in any kind of situation or setting – this is why they use theatre, circus, etc. In Latin America the youths are not given much importance when art and culture is in question. The government does not give it enough importance, on the contrary.

A discussion on experiences and expectations follows.

After lunch break the partners continue with an evaluation meeting with the YES Theatre.

The children who act in the theatre present themselves (three 13 years old boys and one 16 years old boy).The teachers and guide also present themselves.

A discussion about the experiences of the YES Theatre follows, as well as some briefing on Palestinian reality and problems.

After fixing the dates for the next virtual (3 December 2010, 10am DE time) and real meetings (Bratislava. 27-28 January 2011, Ljubljana – 6-8 April 2011, Hamburg– 15 – 18 June 2011) the partners join a performance and discussion with Yauri in Cult Café, a youth center with mostly young people with migrant background.

18 October 2010

The partners attend a YAURI workshop with school children at Dschungel.

The partners make a resume of the YAURI workshop. All partners are quite happy with their workshop. They liked the fact that the Yauri group had a methodology, they had a plan of what and how they should do. Luis - the young person leading the workshop - was flexible enough to change the exercises when he saw that he wasn’t getting anywhere with a certain activity.

Evaluation of the Baobab workshop from Cologne follows.

In the last part of the meeting the partners go on to work on the case studies and the compendium

3rd Meeting Cologne

Output of our 3rd meeting in Cologne; 29 Sept. to 2 Oct. 2010
Participants: Ulrich Diermann, Institut equalita e.V. (Köln); Bettina Kocher, Ralf Classen, Büro für Kultur und Medienprojekte/KinderKulturKarawane (Hamburg); Erika Köchl, VIDC (Wien); Torben Vosbein, SPOR Media (Kopenhagen) who attended despite the fact, that SPOR Media was not funded for its Grundtvig Partnership Project; Anita Ramsak, Ekvilib Institute (Ljubljana); Miglena Molhova and Zornitsa Staneva, Foundation for Development of the Cultural and Business Potential of the Society (Sofia), Alena Krempaska, People against racism (Bratislava).
Thursday, 30.09.2010
Prior to the start of the partnership meeting the partners attended an evening performance of “Baobab culture troupe” at the Arkadas theatre in Cologne.
Friday, 01.10.2010
Agenda of the meeting has been presented by Ulrich.
The partners attended a performance of Baobab culture troupe at a Cologne school for children between 6 and 10 years of age. After the performance the members of the troupe organized workshops for the children and involved them in activities corresponding to their age.
After a lunch at university menza the partners return to the meeting place and continue their work on the case studies.
VIDC, Büro für Kultur und Medienprojekte, Ekvilib Institute and FDCBPCS activities and case studies were discussed.
The partners decided that the case studies are going to form just one of the section of a compendium, which is going to be developed as a final product under the project.
The sections of this compendium were agreed to be as follows:
  • definition of peer learning,
  • project background
  • why cultural peer learning is necessary
  • case studies
  • why is peer learning important for youths, why should we do it in the cultural way and how to use it for social inclusion
Saturday, 02.10.2010
The partners discussed the agenda for the meeting in Vienna and in particular the joint events with the two groups – Yes and Yauri.
Then the partners continue with a brief discussion of the calendar with regard to the meetings in Bratislava, Ljubljana and Hamburg. The meeting in Bratislava is proposed to be moved to mid March 2011, the meeting in Ljubljana – to mid April 2011 and the last one in Hamburg is scheduled for June 2011.
The partners are then joined by representatives of the Baobab culture troupe and conduct an evaluation meeting with them. Special focus was on the young artist's experiences on peer learning.
After the lunch break, at which was served African food, the group was joined by the representatives of the Peer leader international initiative, which is taking place in Germany, South Africa and Brazil. The three girls present their experiences and their project idea as well as the background of the project.

2nd Meeting in Sofia

Output of our 2nd meeting in Sofia, 12-13 April 2010:

Participants: Marion König, Ulrich Diermann, Institut equalita e.V. (Köln); Bettina Kocher, Ralf Classen, Büro für Kultur und Medienprojekte/KinderKulturKarawane (Hamburg); Erika Köchl, VIDC (Wien); Torben Vosbein, SPOR Media (Kopenhagen) who attended despite the fact, that SPOR Media was not funded for its Grundtvig Partnership Project; Anita Ramsak, Ekvilib Institute (Ljubljana); Miglena Molhova, Zornitsa Staneva, Foundation for Development of the Cultural and Business Potential of the Society (Sofia); Alena Krempaska, People against Racism (Bratislava)
On 12-13 April 2010 in Sofia, Bulgaria took place the second meeting under the “Cultural and peer-learning approaches to integrate socio-economically disadvantaged youth and young adults with an immigrant background” project /project number LLP-2009-GRU-LP-14/ in hotel “Legends”. During the two days of work the partners discussed and took decisions about the following matters: • Framework for cultural and peer-learning approaches – examples to use the pattern for identification and presentation of good practices. The partners get into a profound discussion of each others good practices and share valuable information for the development of the compendium under the present project and future joint applications of the consortium.
• Analyses of questionnaires for qualitative evaluation – the partners consider the internal project evaluation very important and shall fill in and provide evaluation questionnaires after each project meeting.
• Update of presentation at weblog and partner websites – the project blog and all partners’ web-sites will be updated according to the decisions taken during the Sofia meeting. All partners will exchange photos and information for publishing.
• Planning of meeting in Cologne – the partners agree to arrive on Sept 30 and have the meeting on 1-2 October 2010 - work and group meetings.

• Planning of evaluation workshop in Vienna - 16-19 October 2010. The partners agree to work on Sunday (since morning) and continue on Monday from morning and probably have lunch with a visiting group. The partners decide to go to a Sunday performance at 8 o’clock so that people can leave on Monday evening if necessary.
• Dates for next online meetings are confirmed
• Update of work plan and time table – there are no changes to the work plan and time table except probably the moving of the Cologne meeting to October 2010, when it will coincide with a visit of a group from the South.

1st Meeting in Vienna

output of our 1st meeting in Vienna, 20 -21 October 2009

Participants: Anita Ramsak, Ekvilib Institut (Ljubljana); Miglena Molhova, Foundation for Development of the Cultural and Business Potential of Civil Society (Sofia); Torben Vosbein, SPOR Media (Kopenhagen); Erika Köchl, VIDC (Wien); Maros Fundarek, People against Racism (Bratislava); Ulrich Diermann, Institit equalita e.V. (Köln); Bettina Kocher, Ralf Classen, Büro für Kultur und Medienprojekte GmbH / KinderKulturKarawane (Hamburg)

  • Introduction of partners organizations (see above) and special interest in this European cooperation
  • Ralf Classen and Bettina Kocher introduce KinderKulturKarawane (Children's Cultural Caravan, CCC): Since 10 years cultural youth groups from Africa, Asia and Latin America visit Europe (up to now Germany, Denmark and Austria). The kids (between 12 and 20 years old) have in common, that they live in very underprivileged circumstances and that culture is a way to them to find new life perspectives and to build up new self-confidence. Cultural performances in European schools, theatres, cultural and youth centres create a space for deep exchange between kids of different cultures. Ulrich Diermann, Erika Köchl and Torben Vosbein add in their experiences with CCC.
  • The discussion that follows leads to the different situations in the participants countries regarding to migration/refugees/minorities/youth/acceptance of art as an educational tool
  • That leads to the question: How can we handle/bundle/develop the different approaches? What are the common aims? Conclusio: we will develop examples of good practise (Miglena Molhova will send a form for presentation of good practice projects)
  • Dates and places for the next meetings were discussed:
    Sofia: 12/13 April 2010
    Köln: End of June 2010
    Vienna: Evaluation together with members of CCC 2010 in October 2010
    Bratislava: End of January 2011
    Ljubljana: April 2011
    Hamburg: June 2011 (final evaluation)
  • For practical experience the participants join a performance and discussion of Freedom Theatre from Palestine, a CCC Group performing at Dschungel Wien Youth Theatre